
Greetings and welcome to Christ United Methodist Church in Cleveland, Ohio!

We are so glad that you have decided to visit us today. Our church is a vibrant community of believers who come together to worship, pray, and serve. We believe that the love of Jesus Christ is the foundation of our faith, and we strive to reflect that love in all that we do.

At Christ United Methodist Church, you will find a warm and friendly community that is dedicated to sharing the love of Christ with all who come through our doors. Our Sunday worship services are filled with uplifting music, inspiring sermons, and opportunities for fellowship and connection.

In addition to our worship services, we offer a variety of programs and activities that are designed to help people of all ages grow in their faith and connect with one another. Whether you are a lifelong member of the church or just starting your spiritual journey, we invite you to become a part of our community.

We hope that you will feel at home with us and that you will be encouraged by the love and support of our community. If you have any questions or needs, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We look forward to getting to know you and serving you in any way that we can.

Once again, welcome to Christ United Methodist Church in Cleveland! We hope to see you soon!

Dianne Tobey Covault

Please connect to join us online via :

LIVESTREAMING worship at 10:30AM
Facebook : www.Facebook.com/ChristUMC1938
YouTube : www.Youtube.com/ChristChurch75
• Zoom Audio : 1-929-436-2866; Meeting ID 823 3869 2334; Password 19381938


Please remember that your church needs your love, prayers and support in these troubling times. Please use our PayPal link to make donations online :

Or, click here for more information on donating to Christ Church.

Our Welcoming Statement
We, the people of Christ United Methodist Church, regard the love of God to be the foundation of our life and ministry.  We believe in the ever-present love of God as witnessed through Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit. We believe that each person is loved by God and is of sacred worth.

We welcome all persons to our Church without regard to race, ethnic or cultural background, social status, gender, sexual orientation, age, theological perspective, political affiliation, or other means people use to categorize and discriminate against others. We express God’s hospitality by creating a safe, healing and transforming place for all to enter.

We celebrate the gifts of all who come seeking God, Christian community and justice in our world, and we welcome all into the life and ministry of our Church. We declare that we grow in grace and in the knowledge of God when we embrace diversity.

We uphold the motto of our denomination – Open Hearts, Open Minds and Open Doors.


GOAL:  Grow in relationship with Jesus Christ in order to change the world around us, starting with our own community.

FOCUS:  To achieve this goal, we will prioritize reaching out to our community as essential to our personal and congregational growth as Christians.


1.   We will build meaningful relationships with the people in our community.
2.   We will strive to listen and understand the needs of our community.
3.   We will use our building and resources to meet those needs in a tangible way.

Find Us

3625 West 138th Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44111

Office Hours
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9:00am to 2:00pm

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