November 2023
“Will you be loyal to The United Methodist Church, and uphold it? by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service, and your witness?”
These words are from the Order of Service called the Baptismal Covenant III – Holy Baptism for Those Who Can Answer for Themselves, Confirmation, Reaffirmation of Faith, Reception into the United Methodist Church, and Reception Into a Local Congregation, which starts on page 45 of The United Methodist Hymnal. I hope you have heard them before. If you are a member of this church, this is a promise you have made, a vow before God and the congregation.
Over the four Sundays beginning October 29, we will be examining each of these vows in more detail and celebrating them in worship. What does it mean to support the church in these different ways? Here are some ideas to get us started.
Prayers – praying is perhaps the most important action we take as followers of Jesus. Prayer deepens and shapes our relationships – our relationship with God, our relationship with one another, and our relationship with the world around us.
Presence – We give generously of our presence when we show up! When we are here for worship, when we come to Bible study, when we participate in outreach events, and perhaps most importantly, when we show up for one another through phone calls, visits, and prayers.
Gifts – When we recognize that all that we have belongs to God, and we are stewards of God’s gifts, we return a portion of what God has given us back to the local church. Giving to our local church enables Christ UMC to continue its work of mission and ministry both here in this neighborhood and around the world through the larger body of the United Methodist Church.
Service – When we recognize Jesus in each person we meet, we see our call to be Christ’s hands and feet in the world. Whether we serve on a church committee to ensure the well-being of the congregation and its outreach, or help out at one of our many service projects, or simply give a hand to a neighbor in need, we are serving the church and serving God.
Witness – we give through our witness when it is evident in our lives that we are followers of Jesus. When we act in ways that reflect God’s love for neighbor, for creation, and for the world, we are witnesses for Christ.
I hope you will be able to be in worship these next Sundays and will come with your completed pledge card on November 19 as we celebrate together our love for God.
And remember
Fear not